JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, through the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department, Komjen Agus Andrianto, ordered all regional police chiefs to increase surveillance in the port area.

The order was stated in a Telegram Letter numbered ST/1251/VI/HUK.7.1/2021 dated June 15, 2021, which aims to eradicate acts of thuggery and illegal levies (extortion).

This is because acts of thuggery and extortion cause unrest in the community. Moreover, it is one of the factors that causes weak national competitiveness and hinders national economic growth.

"In order to support the acceleration of the national economic recovery, the security and social order must be conducive," Agus said in his statement, Wednesday, June 16.

In addition, Agus emphasized that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the government's national economic recovery program will continue to be promoted. Thus, acts of thuggery and extortion greatly interfere with the government's priorities.

"The state must not lose to these thuggery acts," said Komjen Agus.

The following is the order from the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as stated in the Telegram Letter;

1. Carry out enhanced Police activities (K2YD) in the Port Areas in their respective areas with the target of thuggery actions.

2. Carry out law enforcement against all acts of thuggery in the port area in their respective areas.

3. Increase efforts to prevent illegal levies together with extortion eradication units in port areas in their respective regions.

4. Law enforcement with APIP against illegal acts that occur in port areas in their respective areas.

5. Reporting the results of the activities to the Head of the National Police, Up Kabareskrim.

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