JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, A. Rizki Sadig, highlighted the difficulty of graduates from schools or colleges in finding jobs. According to him, there are a number of factors related to this, and one of them is the influence of parents.

"Parents' motivation is very influential. And sometimes motivation from the parents' side actually becomes a stumbling block, because some parents want their children to get shortcuts, without teaching mental toughness and competitiveness. Don't give children too high standards without seeing or measuring children's capacity," said Sadig, in the BAKTI Kominfo discussion with the theme "Utilization of ICT for Education and Business", quoted Tuesday, June 15.

Sadig said, parents should know what their child wants. Because in this era, working is not only limited to a company.

- https://voi.id/economy/58150/member-komisi-i-dpr-sebut-pentingnya-pecepatan-technology-for-education-dan-business

- https://voi.id/economy/57936/media-social-bikin-adaptasi-konsumen-terhadap-e-commerce-semakin-easy-begini-seharusnya-peran-umkm

- https://voi.id/berita/58631/importance-technology-for-dunia-education-saat-ini

- https://voi.id/economy/58679/social-media-jadi-tumpuan-effective-promokan-barang-di-era-digital-saat-ini

- https://voi.id/economy/57600/bonus-demografi-make-potensi-penguatan-ekonomi-indonesia-semakin-besar

"Parents should know that their children want to become employees or entrepreneurs. So there is nothing wrong with entrepreneurs, the important thing is to get income. Don't let your children not work hard, because it's a pity if there are people who don't work, he reasoned, I have applied for jobs everywhere and no one wants to accept it, it should not be blamed on the vacancy, job or company, but must introspect what is lacking in him," Sadig explained.

Millennials and Generation Z, according to Sadig, have many ways for them to get a job. A few years ago you had to apply for a job in a company, but now it's possible for everyone to create jobs and create jobs.

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