JAKARTA - The former governor of DKI Jakarta, Sutiyoso, is reported to have died. Sutiyoso's daughter, Renny Sutiyoso, denied the news.

Renny firmly said his father was in good condition. Thus, he confirmed that the news was not true or a hoax.

"What is circulating in the WA group is not true, my father is healthy and fit," said Renny in his Instagram account @rennysutiyoso, reported Tuesday, June 15.

He also asked for the false news alias hoax to be stopped. He even asked the public to be wise in responding to messages that have not been confirmed.

"Please don't spread hoaxes, it's hoax news," he said.

Previously, there was a chain message circulating in the WA group that reported that Bang Yos, Sutiyoso's nickname, had died. The following is the message that the family denies.

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un.

May the late Bang Yos Sutiyoso (former governor of DKI, Pangdam Jaya, Head of BIN) husnul khatimah, forgiven for his sins and mistakes, accepted for his deeds of worship, given a noble place by His side.

May the bereaved family be given strength and sincerity.

Amen YRA. 🙏🙏🙏

ba. at sunset

Until this news was revealed VOI tried to contact Bang Yos. However, there has been no response from the person concerned. It's just that in the WA application, Bang Yos' cellphone looks active.

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