GARUT - The Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Garut Regency, West Java, has opened a service for refunds for the pilgrimage for pilgrims who are disappointed because they have not left for the Holy Land.

"Now that they are not leaving, the government will provide convenience, including the refund of the Hajj funds that have been deposited," said Head of the Garut Ministry of Religion Office, Cece Hidayat during the socialization of the cancellation of the departure of pilgrims for 2021 Hajj candidates in Garut, Monday, June 14.

He said people who want to take back the funds for the pilgrimage can be collected directly at the Garut Ministry of Religion Office by first submitting an application to be processed for nine days.

Applicants for taking hajj funds, he said, only need to bring documents such as savings books, identity cards, and a number of other documents that show they are prospective pilgrims from Garut.

"Please come to the Ministry of Religion, bring the Hajj documents and other documents, ID cards, savings books to us, we will process it after nine days and God willing, it will go into the account," he said.

If there are pilgrims who do not take the funds, he said, the money is guaranteed safe, and will not be used for other things. "What is not taken will remain the right of the congregation," he said.

He said that for two years there were no pilgrims from Indonesia, especially from Garut who left to perform the pilgrimage because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The recorded number of pilgrims who canceled their departure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he said, was 5,000 people.

In total, 31 thousand people have registered with a waiting list of 17 years.

"There are 5,000 who have canceled this year with a waiting list of 31,000 people, which is up to 17 years into the future," said Cece Hidayat.

The chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council of Garut Regency, KH Sirojul Munir, added that all levels, including Islamic organizations and MUI in the regions, were to socialize the cancellation of the departure of the Hajj pilgrimage correctly to the public so that there was no misleading information.

"Islamic organizations have an obligation to carry out counseling on this cancellation, the MUI also in each region needs to explain to the public so that there is no confusion in the news," he said.

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