JAKARTA - United States (US) President Joe Biden said his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, June 16 the day after tomorrow, was aimed at building better relations between the two countries.
Although, at the same time President Biden said there was no guarantee that relations between the two countries would be better after the meeting. President Biden said this after attending the G7 Summit in Cornwall, England, Sunday, June 13 local time.
"This is not a contest about who can do better in front of a press conference, to try to embarrass each other. It's about making myself very clear, what are the conditions for getting better relations with Russia," said President Joe Biden, as reported by TASS. , Monday January 14th.
"We may be able to do that in terms of some strategic doctrines, which may be able to work together. We are prepared to do that. And there may be other areas. There is even talk there may be an ability to work together on climate."
President Biden said genuine one-on-one discussions would be the best way to address current disagreements, as well as possible areas of interaction with the Russian leader.
'I know you have no doubt that I will come clean with him about our concerns. And I will explain my views, on how the meeting came to be. And he will explain how, from his point of view, how it turned out. But I don't want to be distracted by,' Do they shake hands? Who talks the most and so on," said President Biden.
However, President Biden said there was no guarantee of improving relations between Russia and the United States, although Washington and Moscow could work together constructively on many fronts.
"First of all, there is no guarantee you can change the behavior of a person or the behavior of his country," President Biden said when asked to specify what steps he would take to get Russia to change its behavior.
"If I respond well, which I will, it doesn't stop him and he wants to move on. But I think we're moving in a direction where Russia has its own dilemma."
President Biden said Russia sometimes engages in activities that run counter to international norms. However, they have been able to overcome some real difficult problems before.
Asked why the Russian president has not changed his behavior, despite everything the US has done to date, Biden replied with a smile. "He is Vladimir Putin,".
As previously reported, President Joe Biden and President Putin will meet at Villa La Grange, Geneva, Switzerland on June 16. A number of agendas are said to be discussed at the meeting, which is planned to be attended by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
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