JAKARTA - Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives assesses that the death of the Deputy Regent of the Sangihe Islands, Helmud Hontong on a plane while traveling home from Bali to Manado via Makassar, needs to be investigated. If, his death is considered odd and is associated with the refusal of a gold mining permit in his area.

"If irregularities are found and it is suspected that there are strange indications, then law enforcement officers must step in to investigate," said member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Guspardi Gaus in his statement, Monday, June 14.

The PAN politician asked the health authorities to conduct an examination. The goal is to find out the cause of the death of the deputy regent of Sangihe. "If there is something suspected of other factors, of course we ask law enforcement officials to carry out investigations and investigations," he continued.

According to Guspardi, it is important to carry out investigations and investigations in order to prove whether or not there was an alleged criminal act in the incident.

"The police must collect clues and evidence and conduct an in-depth investigation into the death of the Sangihe Deputy Regent," he said.

In addition, the legislator from West Sumatra assessed that this effort was carried out so as not to cause various kinds of perceptions and slander that were developing in the community. Most importantly, this case can be revealed clearly.

"And those who have relevant information can provide information to help the police work. So that they will be able to reveal what really happened. In order to avoid suspicion and rumors in the community," concluded the member of the DPR RI Baleg.

Previously, Helmud's aide, Harmen Rivaldi Kontu, revealed that before the victim died, the deputy head had told him if he felt dizzy. At that time, he was asked to rub eucalyptus oil on the back and neck.

After his neck was rubbed with eucalyptus oil, Helmud no longer responded. Even Harmen said there was blood coming out of Helmud's mouth and nose.

"About 5 minutes, I saw that you were leaning over. I called and made a splash but there was no response. I immediately called the flight attendant, but you still didn't get a response. Then blood came out of my mouth. Not long after that blood came out of the nose," said Harmen Thursday, June 9.

It is known that the Deputy Regent (Wabup) of the Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi (Sulut), Helmud Hontong was reported to have sent a letter to cancel the mining permit of PT. Mas Sangihe Mine to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). It is said that the letter was sent on Helmud's personal initiative.

A copy of the letter circulated on social media after Helmud died. The Sangihe Islands Regency Government (Pemkab) has been aware of the letter.

"The government did not (send a letter to cancel the mining permit for PT Tambang Mas Sangihe). In the government's capacity. Maybe he wrote the letter in a personal capacity," said Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Sangihe Islands Regency Harry Wollf, Friday, June 11.

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