JAKARTA - The survey institute Saiful Mujani Research Center (SMRC) released a poll on the choice of public presidential candidates in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

SMRC Program Manager Saidiman Ahmad said that currently the figure who is not a party official but has the highest electability is Ganjar Pranowo. However, party elites have shown that at the moment Ganjar has not or will not be nominated by PDIP even though he is a cadre.

"PDI-P is likely to nominate Prabowo to partner with Puan Maharani," Saidiman said in a virtual discussion entitled "Political Parties and Presidential Candidates: Voters' Attitudes Two Years after the 2019 Election", Sunday, June 13.

Then, if it is not supported by PDIP, it turns out that the chance for Ganjar to run in the 2024 presidential election still exists with the support of other parties.

By ignoring PDIP voters, and in the position of voters knowing Ganjar, Prabowo, and Anies, in a simulation of 3 names, Ganjar got 35.3 percent of the votes, Prabowo 30.8 percent, and Anies 25.5 percent.

Meanwhile, the respondents who most supported Ganjar nyapres were PKB supporters with a proportion of 68 percent of all PKB supporters, then Democrats 40 percent. Ganjar also received quite good votes from 36 percent of Golkar voters, and 27 percent of Nasdem supporters.

"Ganjar can attract voters from other parties, especially PKB, Democrats, non-parliamentary parties, voters who have not voted for a party, and attract quite a lot of people from Golkar and Nasdem," he said.

In addition, Ganjar compared to Prabowo and Anies represent voters who are positive in assessing Jokowi's performance apart from the positive attitude of PDIP voters towards Jokowi because those who evaluate Jokowi's performance positively also come from voters from other parties.

"Ganjar is still ahead without the PDIP because he is able to attract voters who are satisfied with Jokowi's performance outside the PDIP, which is very large in number," said Saidiman.

It is known, this survey was conducted in the period 21-28 May 2021. The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews with 1,220 randomly selected respondents. The margin of error for this survey is estimated at 3.05 percent and the survey confidence level is 95 percent.

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