JAKARTA - The Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto was blunt when he was a guest star on the Deddy Corbuzier podcast which was broadcast on Youtube @Deddy corbuzier Sunday, June 13 today.

In that moment, Prabowo told why he joined the government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) even though he had been a rival during the presidential election.

Prabowo admitted that many in Jokowi's internal environment did not want him to join. Moreover, long before he ran for the 2019 presidential election, the issue of a coup when he was still in TNI uniform was spreading to attack his electability.

"I admit that many internally (Jokowi) don't agree with why you invited me. That's dangerous! He'll be in another coup later. My face looks like a coup d'etat," Prabowo said with a laugh.

According to Prabowo, the conflict is legitimate in running the government. However, for the sake of the nation and state, it must be done. Rivals in a competition, for example the presidential election, do not have to drag on.

Both Jokowi and Prabowo must sit at the same table to formulate strategies to build the nation in the future. "Jokowi, why do you want to be president to serve, I do too, both want to serve, why do you both want to serve? Why do you have to fight? It's better for both of them to cooperate," explained Prabowo.

Prabowo learned from the history of other nations, how two strong leaders must cooperate. In Japan, for example, history has recorded a truce between two great generals, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Tokugawa. However, this was discontinued because both of them had the same vision about Japan.

"Imagine a leader because of his ego, the position is a responsibility, you know. I believe that you are red and white, I believe that you are Pancasila, I support you," Prabowo explained.

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