JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo confirmed that the discovery of a new variant of the COVID-19 virus from India in Kudus Regency was the first in Central Java, so everyone should be alert because the transmission is very fast. entered in Kudus. So, the public must be very aware of its faster transmission than the previous variant viruses," said Ganjar when met on the sidelines of a working visit at the COVID-19 Command Post in Kudus, reported by Antara, Sunday, June 13. To avoid this, he said, must be disciplined to apply health protocols, especially when in the presence of many people, never take off the mask. He suggested five days at home, so parents, elderly (elderly), children do not leave the house. Please leave the house when there is a very urgent need, and work from home or work from home (WFH) is increased.

According to him, to break the chain of transmission of the new variant of the virus, it must be done together. The Central Government will help, including the Central Java Provincial Government will also help, and communicate it with surrounding districts, such as Pati, Grobogan, and Demak Regencies. Grobogan Regency, said Ganjar, has also implemented a stay-at-home policy. Even if there are still people who leave the house, it is necessary to carry out judicial surgery. In order to determine whether the new variant of the corona virus from India was only found in Kudus or other areas, the examination of genome samples of COVID-19 patients was reproduced by taking samples from several districts. In addition, the Central Java Provincial Government also submitted assistance to the center because Kudus was the first. "I was suspicious that the movement of the previous three weeks only experienced a spike in cases, continuing to increase to eight districts and now 11 districts. I was sure at that time this must be a new variant. "He said. The head of the Central Java Provincial Health Office, Yulianto Prabowo, added that the examination of genome samples of COVID-19 patients from several districts had been sent to laboratories at UGM, Balitbangkes and the central laboratory. The results, he said, could only be known after two weeks because they arrived. Currently there is no technology that can detect it quickly. To trace the findings of the new variant, it is also not an easy matter, because the findings are not on the scale of one neighborhood (RT) but more broadly.

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