JAKARTA - The National Police acted quickly to implement President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) order to eradicate illegal levies (pungli) that were troubling truck drivers in the North Jakarta area. At least 49 people have been arrested for committing extortion.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that dozens of extortionists were arrested at different locations. They consist of several groups.

"What we have secured are 49 people with their respective roles and groups," said Yusri to reporters, Friday, June 11.

Based on the data collection, the dozens of offenders were dealt with by the North Jakarta Metro Police and the Tanjung Priok Port Police. The majority of them are employees of PT Greeting Fortune Container (GFC) and PT Dwipa Kharisma Mitra Jakarta.

"There are 12 people, there are 16 people, and also the Cilincing and Tanjung Priok police have secured 6 and 8 people. Also friends from the Tanjung Priok Port Police have secured 7 people," said Yusri.

In the action, the perpetrators used the mode of slowing down the loading of the container truck. Then, the truck drivers are required to pay at each post. This means that you are required to pay from the entrance to the exit.

The nominal is different. Starting from IDR 2,000 to IDR 10,000 per truck.

"I just take an example from 1 post, there are 5 posts. There are Fortune posts, these are all average employees. Employees starting from security at Fortune 1 post at the entrance have to pay Rp. 5 thousand, then post two enters The cost is Rp. 2,000, entry into post 3 washing must be Rp. 2,000 or Rp. 5,000," said Yusri.

"Entering post 4 to lift the crane container is at least IDR 5,000, lastly outside the depot, you have to pay another IDR 2,000. So the total at Fortune JFC is around IDR 13,000 per day per vehicle," Yusri continued.

With this mode, these crooks can earn millions of rupiah every day. Because, for one day the incoming trucks reach hundreds.

"For one day it can be 500 container vehicles, so around Rp. 5.5 million that must be spent by drivers," said Yusri.

The millions of rupiah were not deposited with the company where the perpetrators worked. Instead, it will be divided among each actor after their working hours are completed.

"It's not them-they put (the money) into the office, so it's put in one place. After they leave the picket they will share it," said Yusri.

The practice of extortion that occurred in the North Jakarta area, continued Yusri, had been carried out systematically. In fact, the forbidden act involved many people.

One real example is, the actors provide information to each other. Including when the police tried to investigate further into the crime of extortion.

"One thing we need to say again because they are already in this congregation, so it was found on the cellphone (of the perpetrator) that there was a chat, be careful there is a 'group (police) coming here to disturb us," said Yusri

This extortion practice has been going on for quite a long time. The truck drivers finally routinely give money without having to be asked by the perpetrators.

"If you say since when? It's been quite a while, people say they don't need to be asked, these drivers without being asked have already paid because it has become a culture," said Yusri.

Not Only Port

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that in eradicating thuggery acts completely. In fact, the eradication is not only focused on ports, but all identified locations.

"Not only the port, but in other places where extortion or extortion occurs like that, we will take action," said Argo.

This action is a direct direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Because at that time, Jokowi received complaints from truck drivers who were often victims of extortion.

So, at that time, the National Police Chief immediately ordered all his staff to eradicate thuggery.

"Asop Kapolri finally gave instructions, gave directions to all ranks throughout Indonesia to carry out operations against thuggery," he said.

"This is the main task of the National Police, we have also sent letters to the Regional Police," continued Argo.

For information, President Joko Widodo immediately called the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo after hearing complaints from drivers regarding the practice of thuggery and extortion at Tanjung Priok Port.

"Pak Police, I am in Tanjung Priok, there are many complaints from container 'drivers' related to illegal fees at Fortune, at NPCT (New Priok Container Terminal) 1, then at Depo Dwipa. First, President Jokowi said at the Jakarta's Tanjung Priok Port, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 10.

"Ready," replied the Chief of Police.

"Secondly, when there are traffic jams, many drivers are attacked by thugs. Please resolve these complaints. That's all the National Police Chief," said the President,

"Ready, sir," replied the Chief of Police.

President Jokowi did receive complaints from container drivers who work back and forth daily at the Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) Pier and Koja Container Terminal, at Tanjung Priok Port.

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