CILACAP - General Manager of Pertamina Refinery Unit IV Cilacap Joko Pranoto stated that the company's fire fighting team was still trying to extinguish a single fire at the Pertamina Cilacap Refinery in Central Java.

"Last night at 19.45 WIB there was a fire in the 39T-203 tank area, precisely in the bundwall around tank 39T-205. Then additional hotspots also appeared at the nozzle outlet, specifically the outlet of tank 39T-203," he said in Cilacap, Saturday. in a press conference at Pertamina RU IV Cilacap Office which was attended by PT Pertamina (Persero) President Director Nicke Widyawati, PT Pertamina (Persero) Business Support Director Dedi Sunardi, PT Pertamina International Refinery Director Djoko Priyono, Cilacap Resort Police Chief AKBP Leganek Mawardi, and other Pertamina officials. He explained that on Friday (11/6) night efforts had been made to extinguish the hotspots in the bundwall around tank 39T-205. There are seven tanks in the 39 tank area. On Saturday, the company focused on extinguishing a single fire point in the 39T-203 exit pipe. "Please pray for all of us, our friends in the field are trying to put out the fire immediately and for the extinguishing process, we are also supported by Pertamina as a whole, both PT KPI and other Pertamina to help accelerate the handling of existing incidents," Joko said as quoted by Antara. Among.

The cause of the fire in the Pertamina Cilacap Refinery area is still being investigated. Joko said that the operation of the refinery so far has been running normally according to the work plan. Production of fuel oil, LPG, and other products is still going according to plan. According to him, the production process of Pertamina RU IV Cilacap has not been disrupted due to the fire prevention in the tank area 39. President Director of PT KPI Djoko Priyono also said that the fire did not interfere Pertamina RU IV Cilacap operations. "So there are no operational problems and hopefully this (fire) can be extinguished soon, so that no more storage tanks are disturbed," said Djoko, who once served as GM Pertamina RU IV Cilacap. According to him, the number of tanks at the Pertamina Cilacap Refinery is 260 units and the tanks affected by the fire, 39T-205 and 39T-203, each have a capacity of only 10 thousand kiloliters so that it does not have an impact on the storage process.

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