JAKARTA - The Pertamina team continues to search for the cause of the fire in the Cilacap refinery area that occurred on Friday, June 11 yesterday. In addition, the fire also did not burn the refinery or processing plant as was widely circulated information after the incident.

This was conveyed by the Area Manager of Communication, Relations, and CSR of the Pertamina Cilacap Refinery, Hatim Ilwan through his written statement.

"The fire occurred in one area of the storage tank which is located deep inside the refinery complex, not the refinery or processing plant. The cause of the fire is not yet known," he said, Saturday, June 12.

Cilacap Police Chief Grand Commissioner Adjutant Leganek Mawardi emphasized that the location of the fire was far from residential areas or roads.

"The closest one is the factory area, about 350 meters from the fire site," said Mawardi.

The police are currently also focusing on securing the perimeter and the area around the refinery. In addition, the police also dispatched personnel to carry out patrols to keep residents away from fire spots.

"We support the handling of events that are currently on cooling efforts to ensure there are no more hotspots," he said.

With these various explanations, the Deputy Regent of Cilacap, Syamsul Auliya Rahman, ensured that the fire had no impact on the community because the fire point was far from residential areas.

"People don't need to panic and worry," he said.

He conveyed that the Pertamina Cilacap fire fighting team professionally carried out their duties.

"On behalf of the Cilacap Regency Government, we thank Pertamina for handling everything professionally. Whenever needed, a firefighting team from the district is also ready to be deployed. We, together with the National Army and Police, are ready to help Pertamina as a vital national object," said Syamsul.

It was previously reported that a fire in the Cilacap refinery area, Central Java, occurred at 19.45 western Indonesia time. This refinery is one of 6 Pertamina refineries with a processing capacity of 270 thousand barrels per day.

This refinery has about 200 tanks to accommodate crude to be processed, gas, and fuel from crude oil processing. Despite the fire, Pertamina ensures that the supply of fuel and LPG for the community remains safe.

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