KUPANG - JS (43) was sentenced to nine years in prison by the panel of judges at the Oelamasi District Court, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

"In addition to a nine-year prison term, the perpetrator was also fined a total of Rp 10 billion, with the provision that if the fine is not paid, it will be replaced with a one year imprisonment," said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, Kombes Rishian Krisna Budhiaswanto, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 11.

This banking crime case has been handled by the Kupang Police since 2020, following a complaint from Bank NTT regarding the abuse of authority by JS.

This authority is related to the granting and management of Long-Term Working Capital Credit (KMK-JP) and Construction facilities, KMK People's Business Credit (KUR) in 2018, KMK current account (RC) projects in 2018, and KI-JP in 2018 at Bank NTT. The Oelamasi Branch of Kupang Regency since 2017 is worth Rp. 9.4 billion.

JS acts as the initiator and executor in the practice of providing fictitious credit at Bank NTT Oelamasi Branch. As a branch leader and analyst, he marks up collateral for the KUR credit facility, KMK RC.

In addition, as branch leaders and analysts, they submit collateral to debtors who are still used as collateral for other loans that have not been paid off.

The abuse of authority and violation of the prudential banking principle by JS, resulted in financial losses of Bank NTT Oelamasi Branch of Rp. 6.7 billion.

The Kupang Police then charged JS with Article 49 paragraph (1) letter a subsidiary Article 49 paragraph (2) letter b of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 1998 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1992 concerning Banking in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1 ) 1st Criminal Code.

Subsequently, the case files and suspects were transferred along with evidence of Rp350 million in cash, standard operating procedure documents for granting credit, and various other documents as well as reports on the results of an internal investigation audit by Bank NTT.

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