JAKARTA - Illegal investment in Indonesia starting from 2011 to 2021 has caused losses among the public of Rp. 117.4 trillion.

"In the past ten years, illegal investments have harmed the public to such an extent. This has not yet been reported. This incident is indeed repeated," said the Head of the Financial Services Sector Investigation Department of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Chairman of the Investment Alert Task Force, Tongam L Tobing in Solo. reported by Antara, Friday, June 11.

Perpetrators and victims come from various backgrounds and do not depend on their educational background. One of the reasons why there are still many victims of illegal investments is the lure of big profits in a short time.

This illegal investment occurs by involving the family. That is, if there are family members who have participated in illegal investments then invite other family members to enter.

"Because the target is a certain environment, the perpetrators don't have to be smart people and the victims don't have to be people who lack education. Once you enter, the money doesn't come back, the assets run out," he said.

Therefore, until now his party continues to actively educate the public, one of which is conveyed to the public is to always hold two principles, namely logical and legal.

"Legal means ensuring that the licensing status is clear and logical, meaning that the return is reasonable and carries risks. So far, we have been lured by being rich and getting quick money," he said.

However, he said, until now there are still problems with law enforcement in cases of illegal investment, both from the side of the perpetrator and the victim. From the perspective of the perpetrators, often not all perpetrators are prosecuted, besides that they often replace new entities.

"Meanwhile, from the victim's point of view, they often do not report because of shame, small losses, or because they are afraid of being terrorized. Therefore, continuous education is needed," he said.

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