JAKARTA - The North Maluku Regional Police have upgraded their investigation status to an investigation into a case involving an individual leader of the North Maluku DPRD with the initials WZI, who rammed a member of the Ternate Police Polantas while on duty.

"In this case, investigators have carried out a case title and the results have been increased from investigation to investigation on June 9, 2021, then they will send an Investigation Commencement Order and an investigation will be carried out to find out who will be made a suspect," said Head of Public Relations of the North Maluku Police, Commissioner Besar Adip Rodjikan, in Ternate, reported by Antara, Friday, June 11.

The case that went viral when WZI was allegedly suspected of committing violence by hitting a member of the Ternate Police Polantas while controlling the flow of traffic in the Kampung Pisang area, Saturday evening, May 8.

The police have examined four witnesses, as well as the reported with the support of evidence in the form of a Samsung brand cellphone that was used to record the incident.

The police apply Article 212 and Article 335 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and Article 311 Paragraph 1 of Law No. 22/2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

The incident began when Police Brigadier Abdul Muis Suroto was on duty at the Bloody Monument intersection in Kampung Pisang Village, to clear up the traffic jam at the junction of Jalan Seruni and Jalan KH Dewantoro, in Kampung Pisang Village.

After the traffic jam cleared and he was about to return to the bloody monument intersection post, he saw a gray metallic gray Toyota minibus with registration number DB 1314 MM which stopped and dropped a woman at the corner of KH Dewantoro road so that other vehicles were blocked.

Then the police came to the car and asked the driver to move the car, but the driver was silent. At the first warning, the driver only moved his car about one and a half meters from the starting place.

In fact, at that time, there was still congestion in the area, the police again asked the driver to move his car, but the driver did not heed the officer's orders, so soon the deputy chairman of the North Maluku DPRD from the Gerindra Party crashed into the Polantas member.

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