JAKARTA - Hungary's ruling Fidesz party has proposed a law banning the distribution of content promoting gender change or homosexuality in schools. The move referred to the activities as Russia's Gay Propaganda Act in 2013.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban's nationalist government, which faces elections in early 2022 and promotes a conservative Christian agenda, has moved further against the LGBT+ community since last year. Poland's ruling PiS party, Fidesz's main ally in the European Union, has taken a similar stance for years.

The latest amendment, brought to parliament on Thursday by MP Fidesz to a bill punishing pedophilia, says children under 18 should not be shown pornographic content, or any content that promotes gender change or homosexuality. This also applies to advertising.

In addition, this bill also proposes the creation of a list of organizations that are allowed to hold sexual education sessions in schools.

"The new law proposed by Fidesz will seriously curb free speech and children's rights," rights group Hatter said in a statement, likening the bill to Russia's Gay Propaganda Act.

"This move endangers the mental health of LGBTQI children and prevents them from gaining access to information and affirmative support," the statement continued.

The Hatter and six other rights groups called on Fidesz to withdraw the bill, which could be voted on next week. By comparison, the 2013 Russian law prohibits the spread of propaganda about 'non-traditional' sexual relations among young Russians.

Same-sex marriage is not recognized in Hungary and only heterosexual couples can legally adopt children.

Meanwhile, the Orban Government, which stepped up its anti-LGBT rhetoric as the coronavirus crisis hit the economy, has redefined marriage as the union of one man and one woman in the constitution and restricted gay adoption.

It also prohibits legal status for all transgender people, including those who have converted, a retroactive law that the Constitutional Court deemed unconstitutional.

Last year a children's book, 'Wonderland Is For Everyone', which aims to help children learn to accept minorities and fight social exclusion, caused a stir in Hungarian politics, with the government labeling it "homosexual propaganda" that should be banned from schools.

Orban has served as Prime Minister of Hungary with Fidesz' staunch support since 2010. However, opposition parties united against Fidesz for the first time and overtook him in opinion polls.

On Thursday, Orban announced a minimum wage increase and reaffirmed plans for a hefty tax return to families by 2022, setting the stage for his re-election campaign.

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