JAKARTA - Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto and Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim received special thanks from the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri.

This was conveyed when he started a scientific oration inaugurating the title of Honorary Professor with the status of a temporary professor by the Defense University (IDU) RI.

"I would like to thank the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Nadiem Anwar Makarim, BA, MBA, and also to the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia Lieutenant General TNI Retired Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo for the trust given to me," Megawati said when starting her oration. his scientific work in a degree awarding event that aired on the Official Defense University YouTube on Friday, 11 June.

The scientific oration was held at the Indonesian Defense University, Sentul, Bogor, West Java. The PDI-P general chairman said he received this title with full sense of responsibility as an effort to serve the nation and state.

"I accept the title of Honorary Professor, Non-Permanent Professor, from the Defense University with full awareness and responsibility for serving the Indonesian nation and state, especially in strengthening intellectual traditions in all aspects of life," he said.

Furthermore, Megawati said that strategic leadership is not only measured by past successes but also must have a correlation with the present and the future. Moreover, this is important for the lives of future generations.

"(Strategic Leadership, ed) is all for the sake of responsibility for the future of our children and grandchildren. This is where the success of Strategic leadership must be able to present linear success in the past, present, and success in the future," he said.

The General Chair of the PDI-P then explained that in the current perspective, Strategic leadership is faced with at least three major changes that disrupt human life.

The first is the change on the cosmic plane as a mixture of extraordinary advances in physics, biology, mathematics, and chemistry. This gave rise to new technologies that were never imagined before such as atomic engineering.

Second, the revolution in the field of genetics, which can change the entire landscape of life in a direction that cannot be imagined, when the development of science and technology is removed from human values.

Third is the advancement in virtual reality technology. Where one can enjoy odyssey to all corners of the world even into outer space without leaving his home at all.

Megawati said that the three changes above are present in the reality of the world which is still colored by various forms of injustice due to the practice of new colonialism, but the essence remains the same. Namely the war for hegemony, the struggle for natural resources, and the struggle for the market, followed by the increasing destructive power of the environment.

"Relations between countries in a geopolitical perspective, also show the same struggle of interests. Even now it is expanding. In the name of war, environmental hegemony is sacrificed. Technological changes in these three aspects actually exacerbate exploitation of nature," he said.

"Global Warming has an impact on sea level rise. Extreme climate change also creates a very powerful environmental disaster. This is where Strategic leadership must understand the geopolitical aspect, in order to fight for the earth as a common home for all mankind," he concluded.

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