JAKARTA - The police said that the Head I of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) for the Merauke Region with the initials EKM who was arrested for the case of spreading fake news often communicated with Veronica Koman. This is based on the results of the examination on his cellphone.
"The person concerned is actively communicating with Veronica Koman," said Head of the Public Relations Task Force for Ops Nemangkawi Kombes Iqbal Alqudussy to VOI, Friday, June 11.
Veronica Koman is a suspect in the alleged provocation and dissemination of false information on the Papuan student dormitory incident in Surabaya, East Java. In fact, the East Java Police have published Veronica's name in the wanted list (DPO).
Iqbal continued, from a search on EKM's cellphone, he found a conversation with Veronica. It discusses about the arrests of dozens of people.
From the screenshots received by VOI, the conversation took place on January 29, 2021.
"Based on one of the conversations on the confiscated cellphones," he said.

For information, EKM was arrested for spreading false news through social media Facebook with Manuel Metemko's account.
This arrest was based on a police report registered with the number LP/A/252/VI/2021/SPKT/Sat Reskrim/Res Merauke/Papua Police, dated June 7, 2021.
On that basis, EKM was arrested at his home on Jalan Perikanan Darat, Kelapa V Village, Merauke District, Merauke Regency, Papua, on Wednesday, June 9.
"From the online investigation efforts on social media and obtained at least 5 information related to the Facebook account on behalf of Manuel Metemko, who is suspected of posting or uploading content containing elements of alleged criminal acts in the field of Information and Electronic Transactions," said Iqbal
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