JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) affirms its commitment to confiscate or seize assets belonging to corruptors.

The reason is that the criminal legal process for corruption does not only punish the perpetrators but also aims to recover state losses due to this presumptuous practice.

"KPK carries out its commitment to restore state losses by confiscating all property belonging to the corruptors. The purpose of law enforcement is not only to punish the perpetrators of corruption with corporate punishment but also to return as many assets or asset recovery as possible," said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri in a written statement, Friday , June 11th.

To carry out this commitment, the KPK confiscated land and buildings belonging to former North Lampung Regent Agung Sains Mangkunegara with a total area of 16,095 square meters on Thursday, June 10 yesterday.

This confiscation was carried out to pay replacement money for Agung and Raden Syahrial, who are now convicts.

Agung is a convict of a corruption case who was sentenced to 7 years in prison minus the prison term and additional penalties in the form of an obligation to pay compensation in the amount of Rp. 74 billion and revocation of political rights for four years after serving the main sentence.

This sentence was given because he was proven to have received bribes and gratuities related to a number of projects within the North Lampung Regency Government jointly and continuously.

Returning to Firli, he said, recovering state losses through confiscation or confiscation of corruptors' assets is part of the corruption eradication strategy currently being used by the KPK.

This strategy goes hand in hand with education and increasing the role of the community so that people do not want to commit corruption or build an anti-corruption culture, prevention strategies with system improvements so that there are no opportunities and opportunities to commit corruption or build a good system so that corruption does not occur.

"And law enforcement strategies for criminalizing entities and returning state losses so that people are afraid to commit corruption," he said.

The assets of Agung that were confiscated by the KPK are as follows:

1. Land with an area of 734 square meters as stated in the Ownership Certificate Number 329/Sp.J, having its address at Sepang Jaya Village, Kedaton District, Bandar Lampung Municipality, Lampung Province.

2. Land and Building covering an area of 566 square meters as stated in the Ownership Certificate Number 845/Sp.J, having its address at Sepang Jaya Village, Kedaton District, Bandar Lampung Municipality, Lampung Province.

3. Land and Building consisting of two Certificates of Ownership, namely land with an area of 8,396 square meters as stated in the Ownership Certificate Number 7388/KD and land with an area of 4,224 square meters as stated in the Certificate of Ownership Number 7389/KD, having its address at Kedaton Village, Kecamatan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung Municipality, Lampung Province.

4. Land and Building covering an area of 1,340 square meters as stated in the Ownership Certificate Number 9440/Kedaton having its address at Kedaton Village, Kedaton District, Bandar Lampung Municipality, Lampung Province.

5. Land and Building covering an area of 835 square meters as stated in the Certificate of Ownership Number 9784/Kdn having its address at Kedaton Village, Kedaton District, Bandar Lampung Municipality, Lampung Province.

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