JAKARTA - The 5th President Megawati Soekarnoputri will be accompanied by her three children when she is inaugurated as an Honorary Professor (Professor of Disrespect) at the Indonesian Defense University. They are Mohammad Rizki Pratama, Mohammad Prananda Prabowo and Puan Maharani.

The sons and daughters of the General Chair of the PDI-P will witness the awarding of the title of Honorary Professor at the Red and White Hall of the Defense University, Bogor, West Java, today or Friday, June 11.

"Mas Tatam, Mas Nanan, and Mbak Puan will attend the inauguration of Megawati's title. Ms. Puan is also present in her capacity as Chair of the DPR RI," said PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in a written statement.

This event will also be attended by a number of state officials as well as Ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet such as Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and other invitees. In its implementation, the Defense University applies very strict health protocols.

"A number of former ministers who worked during the Megawati era were also present. Moreover, some of them are now professors. It should be noted that Megawati has maintained good relations with her ministers," said Hasto.

Based on the sequence of events, after reading the Decree of the Minister of Education and Technology, there will be a reading of Megawati Soekarnoputri's curriculum vitae and a short profile video screening. After that, he will also deliver a scientific oration before being confirmed.

Furthermore, Hasto said that a number of professors at home and abroad suggested that Megawati deserve the title of Honorary Professor. The reason is that he is considered successful in bringing Indonesia to face a multidimensional crisis while serving in the 2001-2004 period until he finally rose and won the trust of both domestic and foreign.

In addition, the gait of Soekarno's son in leading the PDI-P is also one of the reasons. Hasto said PDIP cadres are proud of Megawati's achievements so far.

"Prior to the conferment of this Honorary Professor, Mrs. Megawati had received nine Honoris Causa Doctorate degrees from within and outside the country. For all these awards, the PDI-P is proud under her leadership," he said.

"Mr. Megawati's leadership is very strong and full of responsibility for the future of the nation. Unlike the others, she prepares future national leaders as well as leaders in various regions," he concluded.

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