YOGYAKARTA - The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta sent a summons to five McDonald's outlet managers related to the crowd of online motorcycle taxis due to the promotion of the BTS Meal product.

"We just called today. We sent the letter earlier at 10:00 WIB for tomorrow at the DIY Satpol PP Office," said Head of Satpol PP DIY Noviar Rahmad quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 10.

According to Noviar, all five McDonald's outlets spread across the Special Region of Yogyakarta have failed to anticipate the crowds of online motorcycle taxis lining up for the promo product.

Even though it has violated the provisions in the implementation of micro-based community activity restrictions (PPKM) in DIY, the temporary closure sanctions cannot be immediately imposed as happened in several other areas.

The management of the five fast food outlets, he said, would be asked to make a statement so that similar violations would not be repeated. If the violation is repeated, the DIY Satpol PP will immediately temporarily close the operational outlets three times 24 hours.

"In accordance with the provisions of the governor's regulation, there is a written or verbal warning. If the (violation) is repeated, then the coaching will close the operation," said the Coordinator of the Special Task Force for Handling COVID-19 DIY.

According to Noviar, McDonald's management should be able to anticipate crowds if they want to launch a promo program so they don't cause violations in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Crowd prevention, according to him, can be done, for example, by enforcing the opening and closing of ordering applications. For example, in 1 hour only open 10 orders or so many orders. If it has been completed, then you can open orders again.

He also hopes that the management of McDonald's or other restaurants will notify the COVID-19 Handling Task Force at the provincial, district or sub-district level if in the future they hold certain programs that have the potential to cause crowds.

"Yesterday no one knew at all. All of a sudden there were a lot of reports from the crowd," he said.

The chairman of the DPD Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) DIY Deddy Pranowo Eryono said that McDonald's management as a member of the association had not asked for permission from PHRI DIY regarding the BTS Meal product promo.

"Indeed they have not 'kula nuwun' or asked us for permission, so they apologized. This is a lesson for all," said Deddy.

However, he said, in the current situation, coaching efforts are a wise choice compared to closing outlet operations, which will have broad implications for workers and suppliers of raw materials for McDonald's in DIY.

Moreover, according to him, McDonald's outlets in DIY only carry out the program determined at the center.

"The most important thing is that PHRI emphasizes that it is permissible to innovate to increase turnover. However, health protocols must be prioritized," he said.

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