JAKARTA - The Defense University (IDU) will confer the title of honorary professor to the Chairperson of PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri. Political communication observer from Esa Unggul University Jamiluddin Ritonga thinks this is wrong.

Because, according to him, to obtain the highest academic positions in universities, academics must go through a long and winding process.

"For Associate Professors only, academics must have a cumulative credit score (KUM) of 850. Meanwhile for full professors, a KUM of 1000 is required. The KUM is collected by academics from elements of teaching, research, community service, and supporting elements such as attending scientific seminars," said Jamiluddin told reporters, Thursday, June 10.

Therefore, Jamiluddin thought that other academics would find it unfair if there was someone who could easily get the title of professor.

"Academics' morale may dwindle seeing this reality. Moreover, the political impression is so thick from the award of the professorship. Academics are increasingly disappointed because they see that the academic aspect has mixed vulgarly with the political side," he said.

Therefore, Jamiluddin asked the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to regulate the awarding of professor titles. According to him, the political aspect should be strictly separated from the academic aspect.

"It is time for the Minister of Education to no longer be involved in granting professorships. Because ministers as political positions should not be involved in granting academic positions. It is time for the granting of professorships to be given full authority to each university," he explained.

Previously reported, the Defense University (IDU) will award the title of Honorary Professor with the status of Non-Permanent Professor to the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri. This award will be made in an open Senate hearing on Friday, June 11.

"There will be an open senate session of the Indonesian Defense University in order to inaugurate the title of Honorary Professor (Professional Professor) of Defense Science in Strategic Leadership at the Defense Strategy Faculty of the Indonesian Defense University to Ms. Megawati Soekarnoputri," said Rector of the Indonesian Defense University, Vice Admiral TNI Amarulla Octavian.

Amarulla said the academic senate session had accepted the results of the Defense University Professorship's assessment of all Megawati's scientific works. This is a requirement for confirmation as an Honorary Professor of Defense Science in the field of Strategic Leadership at the Faculty of Defense Strategy.

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