GORONTALO - Gorontalo Provincial DPRD member Adhan Dambea responded to Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie's complaint to the Gorontalo Police.

Adhan assessed that the governor had the right to complain about him, because of his objection to his statement regarding the use of the 2019 APBD funds of Rp53 billion.

Adhan admitted that he had questioned the use of these funds since June 2020, when the 2019 APBD Accountability Report was issued.

"I was included in the special committee at that time, and we discussed it. The Rp53 billion fund was spread across 37 SKPD, used among others for social assistance and grants," he said in Gorontalo, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 9.

On June 22, 2020, Adhan sent a letter to the Gorontalo Provincial Government Budget Team (TAPD) asking for a detailed explanation of the use of the funds.

According to him, the provincial government immediately responded by replying to his letter, but he considered the explanation unsatisfactory, so he decided to write to the provincial government again on June 28, 2020.

"In this second letter, I explain that there is a difference in the value of the expenditure on goods and services recognized by the BPK with the goods and services expenditure account recorded in the overall expenditure of the SKPD. This second letter was not responded to by the provincial government," he said.

Adhan then wrote to the Governor in September 2020, asking the Governor to issue a decree on social assistance and grants.

"I want the distribution of social assistance by name by address, it must be clear who the recipient is. I wrote three times but there was no response, therefore I wrote to the BPK in January 2021 asking for an investigative audit," said the PAN politician.

In the BPK regulation, an investigative audit must be submitted by an institution, so Adhan asked the DPRD leadership to write to the BPK institutionally.

"I have not received a response from the leadership of the DRPD so far. Let alone replying to letters, they are not summoned. Even though I gave copies to the factions, governors, and even the high prosecutor's office," he said.

Adhan assessed that what he was doing was part of the DPRD's function, namely to supervise as people's representatives.

Previously, the Gorontalo Governor complained Adhan to the Gorontalo Regional Police, because he felt he had been slandered for misappropriating the APBD.

According to the Governor, the use of the 2019 APBD funds has been audited by the BPK, and the Gorontalo Provincial Government has won the Unqualified Predicate (WTP).

Gorontalo Provincial Inspector Sukril Gobel said Adhan was wrong regarding the use of the funds.

Sukril explained that there was a difference between the presentation of the financial statements in the 2019 APBD Accountability Raperda, and the Regional Government Financial Reports (LKPD) which had been audited by the BPK.

The difference is that the regional regulation only includes reports on grant funds in the form of money, while grant funds in the form of goods are included in the items for spending on goods and services.

Grant funds in the form of cash were reported at Rp202,567,940,000, while grant funds in the form of goods included in the goods and services expenditure items amounted to Rp53,260,236,500.

"So it seems as if what it reads is only Rp. 202 billion in grant funds, when in reality, if it is accumulated according to the LKPD audited by the BPK, it is the same, namely Rp.

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