JEMBER - The Public Prosecutor of the Jember District Attorney (Kejari) has detained a member of the Jember DPRD with the initials IB who is a defendant in a case of alleged abuse.

"Our detention was carried out because there was a decision by a district court judge who determined the detention of defendant IB in the inaugural trial which was held today," said Head of the Jember Intelligence Section, Agus Budiarto, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 9.

Defendant IB has not been detained so far. However, after undergoing the first trial at the Jember District Court this afternoon, the judge ordered the member of the DPRD to be detained.

"The decision to detain members of the IB council is because the judge is worried that the defendant will run away, destroy evidence, influence other witnesses or repeat his actions again," he said.

According to him, the panel of judges determined the detention of the body for 30 days from June 9 to July 8, 2021 at the Class IIA Jember Penitentiary.

"The judge has subjective and objective reasons in determining the detention. The detention period can be extended, but it depends on the judge's determination because IB is a judge's detention," he said.

Previously, a member of the council with the initials IB was reported by Dodik Wahyu Rianto who was a victim of persecution in the case to the Patrang Police Headquarters.

The persecution took place on January 31, 2021 at 19.45 WIB, near the entrance of the Gardenia Cluster Security Post, Bernady Land Housing, Slawu Village, Patrang District.

It started when IB drove a car past the security post to enter the Cluster Gardenia area at high speed, and Dodik, who was at the security post at that time, passed by giving a warning to drive slowly.

Receiving the warning, IB stopped the car. The Jember DPRD Commission C member from Glagahwero Village, Kalisat District then approached Dodik.

The two of them got into an argument, and IB pushed Dodik, which was followed by two punches with his right hand, resulting in bruises on the victim's left ear, and the doctor's post-mortem said there were also abrasions on Dodik's left ear.

Residents around the scene came to intervene, and IB left. However, he soon returned to meet Dodik to take photos while uttering threatening words.

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