JAKARTA - The investigating team of the Directorate of General Crimes, Bareskrim Polri, conducted an examination of Immigration at Tanjung Priok and Pemalang, Central Java. This examination is related to the alleged slavery case of Indonesian crew members who worked on a ship belonging to China, Long Xing 629.

The Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, said that the examination of the immigration authorities was because they issued the passports of the 14 crew members.

"Pemalang Immigration (issued) 10 passports and Tanjung Priok (issued) 4 passports," said Ferdy in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 12.

However, in the examination, investigators used a different pattern. For Pemalang Immigration, the method used is virtual inspection. Meanwhile, the Tanjung Priok Immigration is done face-to-face.

He said, from the results of this examination, the investigating team would conduct a case title. From there, his party will decide that the investigation of this case can be directly upgraded to investigation or requires evidence and other witnesses.

"Conducting a case title in order to raise the status of the case. From the investigation stage to the investigation stage by making the LP (police report) model A," concluded Ferdy.

The news of the alleged exploitation of Indonesian crew members on a Chinese fishing boat, Long Xing, was first reported by the South Korean television station, MBC News. The video explains that Indonesian citizens have to work up to 18 hours a day with minimal rest.

Indonesian citizens are also discriminated against, such as being given filtered sea water to drink. Meanwhile, the crew who came from China were given the mineral water they brought. Indonesian citizens submitted this case to the South Korean government and asked MBC to publish the case.

The video of the funeral took place on March 30. The worker named Ari (24). He had worked for more than a year and finally died on the ship. Ari was sick for one month before he died. At first his leg was swollen before he was finally declared dead.

Ironically, five of the crew members were known to be paid only US $ 120 or around Rp1.7 million for 13 months of work. This means that their monthly salary is only Rp. 100,000.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) stated that it had paid serious attention to representatives in South Korea, China and New Zealand for the problems faced by Indonesian crews on Chinese fishing vessels, Long Xin 605 and Tian Yu 8. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed a few days ago the two ships it is anchored in Busan, South Korea. Both of them carried 46 Indonesian crew members and 15 of them were from the Long Xin 629 Ship.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that at least three Indonesian crew members died in December 2019 and March 2020. It happened when the ships were sailing in the Pacific Ocean. Apart from the three Indonesian citizens, another Indonesian crew member is known to have died at the Busan hospital due to pneumonia.

The Indonesian Embassy in Seoul is trying to repatriate one of the bodies who died. In addition, they also sent home 11 crew members on April 24, 2020. Meanwhile, the other 14 crew members will be discharged on May 8, 2020. Meanwhile, 20 other crew members continue to work on ships Long Xin 605 and Tian Yu 8.

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