JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly revealed that his party had not submitted a draft Bill on the Criminal Code (RUU KUHP) to the DPR RI to be included in the 2021 priority national legislation program (Prolegnas).

The reason, said Yasonna, is that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is currently conducting socialization related to the draft law to several parts of Indonesia. "We remain committed to conducting the socialization first," Yasonna said in a working meeting at Commission III DPR, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 9. , Yasonna stated that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will continue the draft of the Criminal Code Bill in stages to be evaluated in the periodic National Legislation Program.

Yasonna claims that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has so far disseminated the Criminal Code Bill to 11 regions in Indonesia. The last time it was done was in DKI Jakarta. In the socialization, according to Yasonna, the community gave a positive response to the Draft Criminal Code." (The Criminal Code Bill) received a positive response from the community. in the media," explained the PDIP politician.

Previously, this KUHP Bill became a public polemic. This is because the article on insulting the president and vice president has reappeared in the latest draft of the Criminal Code Bill.

The insult to the president and vice president is punishable by a maximum of 3.5 years in prison. If the insult is carried out via social media or electronic means, the threat is 4.5 years in prison.

Meanwhile, those who insult state institutions, such as the DPR, can be subject to a maximum imprisonment of 2 years in prison.

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