SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) conducted data collection or tracing for residents coming from Bangkalan, Madura in the last few days. This effort was carried out as a step to detect the spread and control of COVID-19 cases.

The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, said that he had coordinated with the Bangkalan Regent regarding mobility data or residents' visits. Through this data, the Surabaya COVID-19 Task Force will carry out tracing with continued testing through rapid antigen.

"So we are coordinating with the Bangkalan Regent. If there are residents who come from Bangkalan or have visited there who are now returning to Surabaya, we will carry out tracing," said Eri Cahyadi while leading the insulation at the foot of the Suramadu Bridge on the Surabaya side, Tuesday, June 8.

He explained that this tracing or data collection was carried out by the sub-district head and his staff to residents who had been moving to Madura in the last few days. Data collection is carried out for residents who live in flats (rusun), boarding houses or villages.

"So we ordered all sub-district heads, based on available data, to enter boarding houses, flats or houses in which there was mobility from Madura. God willing, my friends started moving earlier," continued Eri Cahyadi.

He said the information from the Bangkalan Regency Government was urgently needed to intensify efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Likewise, the Surabaya City Government will also provide the same information regarding the mobility data of Bangkalan residents from Surabaya.

"Later on from there (Bangkalan Regency Government) there is news of information, we will do tracing in Surabaya. Later in Surabaya, we will also provide information to Bangkalan for tracing there. So they complement each other," said Eri Cahyadi.

He said Bangkalan and Surabaya are an inseparable unit. Moreover, there are many residents from Bangkalan who live and settle in the city of Surabaya and vice versa.

"Bangkalan and Surabaya must complement each other. Because there are many Madurese, especially Bangkalan in Surabaya, there are also many Surabaya residents living in Bangkalan, so they cannot be separated. That's why we are working hand in hand to solve this COVID-19 in the two areas of Surabaya and Madura ," explained Eri Cahyadi.

In the same place, the Asemrowo sub-district head of Surabaya, Bambang Udi Ukoro admitted that he had coordinated with the village head and RT/RW officials to collect data on its citizens. The data collection was focused on residents who in the past few days had mobility to Bangkalan.

"We will check or collect data on residents who come from or return to Madura," Bambang.

After the data collection, Bambang said, the residents would then be subjected to a health check through rapid antigen. According to him, this step is part of efforts to suppress the spread of COVID-19.

"We are doing rapid antigen as well as PCR swab with the Head of the Puskesmas. We have coordinated for the preparation, today the implementation," he said.

He added, in his area there are also many residents who are originally from Madura and have settled in Asemrowo. Even though they have become residents of Asemrowo, of course, they also often make mobility or visits to Madura.

"We hope that we do not find Asemrowo residents who have been detected by COVID-19," he said.

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