JAKARTA - Secretary-General of the Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan Party (PDIP), Hasto Kristiyanto, appreciated the Defense University's plan to award the title of honorary professor to the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri.
According to him, while in office, Megawati was able to bring Indonesia to face a multidimensional crisis and rise and gain trust from both within and outside the country.
"Mrs. Megawati's leadership is very strong and full of responsibility for the future of the nation. Mrs. Megawati is recognized as being able to bring Indonesia out of a multidimensional crisis and gain recognition from inside and outside the country. In addition, Mrs. Megawati's leadership also brings national reconciliation, there is no grudge against the past, and forbid to blaspheme Mr. Harto because he is aware of the importance of seeing the future", Hasto said in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, June 8.
Not only that, but Megawati also has a very good track record. Started serving as a member of the MPR/DPR RI (Indonesia Parliament), Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia to become the first female President in Indonesia.
In addition, Hasto said, Megawati's decision gave birth to several state institutions, including the Constitutional Court, the Judicial Commission, the Corruption Eradication Commission, and the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).
"Mrs. Megawati has laid a strong foundation for state administration and governance with a good democratic tradition. The elections under her leadership, the budget is very effective and is known to be very democratic", he said.
Furthermore, Megawati led the PDIP during the New Order era which was full of oppression, which culminated in the events of July 27, 1996. Currently, Megawati has brought the PDI-P to become the winning party in the general election and has succeeded in bringing Jokowi's cadres to become president for two terms.
"We believe that the Defense University's plan to grant the title of honorary professor to Mrs. Megawati is not sudden, but has carried out studies for a long time, including various scientific works and speeches by Mrs. Megawati both at home and abroad", said Hasto.
He said Megawati also had a unique role in efforts to reconcile conflicts on the Korean peninsula. Megawati as long as it is well received by the two leaders of the two countries.
"Ms. Megawati is often invited to be a keynote speaker in international forums. Her presence in international forums and the honorary doctorate she has been given are proof of academic recognition in strategic leadership", he said.
Previously reported, the Defense University will award the title of Honorary Professor with the status of Non-Permanent Professor to the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri. This award will be made in an open Senate hearing on Friday, June 11 next.
"There will be an open Senate session at the Indonesian Defense University to inaugurate the title of Honorary Professor (Professional Professor) of Defense Science in Strategic Leadership at the Defense Strategy Faculty of the Indonesian Defense University to Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri", said Rector of the Indonesian Defense University, Vice Admiral TNI Amarulla Octavian in his official statement, Tuesday, June 8.
Amarulla said the academic senate session had accepted the results of the IDU's Professorial Council's assessment of all of Megawati's scientific works. This is a condition of being confirmed as an Honorary Professor of Defense Science in the field of Strategic Leadership at the Faculty of Defense Strategy.
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