JAKARTA - Former Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Matheus Joko Santoso, said Juliari Peter Batubara was 'taking' social assistance funds (bansos) of Rp. 11,000 per package.
Matheus made this statement when he was presented as a witness in the follow-up trial of the alleged corruption in social assistance at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta.
This confession began when the prosecutor read the minutes of the examination (BAP). It contained Juliari's direction to Adi Wahyono to collect social assistance fees.
"BAP 102, regarding the order for the withdrawal of a fee of Rp. 10,000 per package and Rp. 1,000 per package for operations, I can explain as follows, initially during phase 3, Adi Wahyono as KPA told me to collect a fee of Rp. 10 thousand per package for Mnsos, and an operational fee of IDR 1,000 per package for the procurement of the COVID-19 social assistance, Adi Wahyono said that the person concerned received the Social Minister's direction, Juliari," said the prosecutor reading out the contents of the BAP during the trial, Monday, June 7.
"That's right, sir," replied Matheus.
Matheus emphasized that the Rp1,000 social assistance fee was used for various needs. Starting from paying jet rentals to making uniforms.
"In general, we were ordered to pay for the operational costs of Mr. Juliari, his team, and his activities. Such as paying for the jet rental, then there are other small things to pay for swabs, and making uniforms for Pak Eko Budi Santoso's aide," said Matheus.
Not only pieces per package, the trial also revealed about Juliari's target in collecting fees of Rp35 billion.
From this target, the realization that has been submitted to Juliari is Rp. 11.2 billion or less than Rp. 24 billion. While the operational fee of Rp. 1,000, collected Rp. 4.8 billion. The remaining Rp2.9 billion is still kept by Matheus.
"For the fee that was handed over to Mr. Juliari five times in the amount of Rp. 11.2 billion. I still have the remaining fee of Rp. 2.815 billion in my suitcase. For the operational fee, Rp. 4.825 billion is submitted and I have the remaining Rp. 2.9 billion," he said.
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