JAKARTA - The Banjarmasin City Government, South Kalimantan through the local Education Office has started to hold face-to-face learning (PTM) for elementary and junior high school levels.

"For the elementary school level, there are only grades 4 and 5, they are starting the PTM today", said Banjarmasin City Education Department Head of Elementary Development, Nuryadi, as reported by Antara, Monday, June 7.

Even so, he said, because the COVID-19 pandemic had not ended, a rotating system was carried out with the time set by the school.

"Implementing very strict health protocols", he said.

He stated that all schools were very ready to implement the PTM with strict health protocols.

"Hopefully, it goes smoothly and safely, we, Education Department will also monitor it closely", explained Nuryadi.

At Sungai Andai 3 Elementary School Banjarmasin, in North Banjarmasin, the PTM starts today for grades 4 and 5, students who participate are limited to groups, the time is only two hours.

From the circular issued by the Banjarmasin City Education Office dated June 2 regarding the implementation of PTM for the 2020/2021 academic year, there are eight points according to the guidelines for the decisions of four ministers, namely, the Minister of Education and Research and Technology, the Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Religion.

The points are, first, granting permission to implement PTM in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, all education under the authority of the Banjarmasin City Government.

Second, the PTM permits are given to grades 4 and 5 at the elementary school level, as well as grades 7 and 8 at the junior high school level, meanwhile, for grades 1 to 3 elementary school level and early childhood education, they are still implementing online learning (PJJ).

The third, the PTM will be held from June 4, the PTM must maintain strict and disciplined health protocols, and form a COVID-19 task force in schools.

Fifth, if there are students who are unwell or sick, especially if there are symptoms of suspected COVID-19, they are not allowed to join the PTM. Sixth, schools are required to evaluate the PTM for at least a week. Seventh, if one is found to be confirmed positive for COVID-19, the school will be temporarily closed until permission is returned from the COVID-19 Task Force.

While the last or eighth, schools are required to convey that a COVID-19 vaccination program has been implemented for their teachers.

Head of the Banjarmasin City Education Office, Totok Agus Daryanto, stated that all must comply with all the provisions of this PTM so that there is no problem for health.

"So everyone takes care of each other, teachers, parents, and students", he said.

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