Police Arrest Husband Persecuting Wife With Knife In Tangerang

TANGERANG - Police personnel from Cikupa, Tangerang arrested a man with the initials Y (48) who abused his wife EL (47) using a kitchen knife, resulting in injuries to the neck.

"Yes, that's right, there has been abuse against the victim with the initials EL, which was carried out by her own husband, namely Y, using a kitchen knife," said Cikupa Police Chief AKP Indra Feradinata, quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 6.

AKP Indra said that officers in the field carried out security for the suspect after receiving reports from the public regarding an act of abuse on Jalan Raya Serang KM 12.5, Cirewed Village, Cikupa District, Tangerang Regency.

"After receiving the report, Cikupa Police personnel immediately moved and managed to arrest suspect Y," he said.

AKP Indra explained that the incident of domestic violence (KDRT) started from an argument between the suspect and the victim. Because the quarrel continued and could not find a solution, suspect Y was then emotional and rushed to take a kitchen knife to assault the victim.

As a result, the police chief said, the victim suffered serious injuries to his neck, shoulders, arms and fingers.

"From the suspect's confession, the abuse was carried out against his wife due to economic problems in the household. So there was a quarrel and persecution," he said.

AKP Indra said that at this time the victim was receiving intensive care from medical personnel, due to severe injuries to his neck and shoulders.

"The victim has been rushed to a local hospital for treatment. We have secured the suspect himself," he said.

The suspect is threatened with Article 44 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 15,000,000.

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