MEDAN - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction of the Medan City DPRD, North Sumatra, assessed that the leadership of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman had not fully fulfilled their promises during the 100 working day campaign.

"In 100 working days, city residents are still waiting for the promises of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, such as the development of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises), and no more flooding," said Member of the PKS Faction of the Medan City DPRD, Rudiawan Sitorus, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 6th.

However, this PKS politician appreciates the performance of the Mayor who was inaugurated on February 26 because he has a high work spirit and is a millennial generation. Bobby and Deputy Mayor Aulia Rachman are considered to have made several breakthroughs in the 100 working day period.

These include controlling the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) with the status of an official within the Medan City Government regarding illegal levies, and handling floods in a small area of Medan City.

"But that is not optimal. We continue to support the Mayor's policies and programs that sided with the community. The PKS faction in the DPRD is also ready to provide suggestions and ideas for the progress of Medan City development," said Rudiawan.

Rudiawan, who also serves as Secretary of the Medan City PKS DPD, admitted that he will continue to oversee all campaign promises of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan so that they are actually realized to local residents.

"PKS will oversee all running programs, and all campaign promises to be realized to the people of Medan City," said Rudiawan.

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