JAKARTA - The blackout of lights in DKI Jakarta in commemoration of World Environment Day on Saturday, June 5 is claimed to reduce carbon emissions by 118.54 tons.

The reduced carbon emissions during the blackout commemorating World Environment Day increased almost four times compared to the power cut to commemorate Earth Day on April 24, 2021.

"The estimated reduction in carbon emissions on April 24, 2021 is 29.90 tons. On June 5, 2021 it will be 118.54 tons," said Acting Head of the DKI Environmental Service (LH) Syaripudin as quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 6.

While the largest reduction in carbon emissions to date still occurs during the commemoration of Earth Hour 27 March. The blackout at that time was able to reduce carbon emissions by 292.3 tons.

In total, the reduction in carbon emissions due to the action of turning off the lights reached 440.74 tons.

It is noted that there are three policies of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, which play a role in reducing carbon emissions, namely Circular Letter Number 3/SE/2021 concerning Light Extinguishing during Earth Hour, Circular Letter Number 4/SE/2021 concerning Light Extinguishing on Earth Day and Governor Instruction DKI Number 14 of 2021.

The latter is an instruction to turn off the lights for 60 minutes on Saturday (5/6). According to Syaripudin, the action was successful in saving 49 kiloliters of fuel consumption, with an estimated savings of IDR 181.4 million.

This step is in line with Indonesia's commitment as one of the countries that is active in ratifying the Paris Agreement, which is a global effort to overcome the impact of climate change in the world.

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