MEDAN - The murder took place on Jalan Kavlingan, Hamlet 10, Bandar Setia Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. The perpetrator claimed to hear supernatural whispers.

The perpetrator named Dani (27) is suspected of having a mental disorder. He killed his younger brother, A alias Isa (25) using a hoe.

Head of Bandar Setia Village, Sugiato said the incident began when the perpetrator and victim were at home, Friday, June 4.

"There was only the perpetrator, the victim, and his sister at home. At the time of the incident, the younger brother went to buy snacks," he told reporters, Sunday, June 6.

However, Sugiato did not know for certain what happened. According to the information he received, the incident was discovered when residents saw the perpetrator leaving with a hoe covered in blood.

"The information I received was that residents who saw the incident heard screams. Then they saw the perpetrators come out carrying a hoe that was covered in blood," he said.

Seeing that the perpetrator had left, residents immediately went to the house and saw that the victim was in critical condition.

Sugiato said, initially the victim was taken to Citra Medika Hospital. However, because the condition was severe, and did not have complete equipment, the hospital then referred to Mitra Medika Hospital.

"But they were refused again because the ICU room was full, and they were referred to Pirngadi Hospital," he said.

While on the way to Pirngadi Hospital, the victim's condition was already worrying. Seeing that, the family decided to turn towards the Haji Hospital.

"At the time at Simpang Mandala, the condition was already worrying. Then the family decided to turn towards the Haji Hospital," he said.

Arriving at the Haji Hospital, the victim's life could not be helped and was declared dead.

"After he died, the victim was taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Medan. Then he was taken to the funeral home at around 9 pm," he said.

Separately, the Percut Sei Tuan police chief, Commissioner Janpiter Napitupulu said the perpetrators had been arrested.

"Yes, it is true (it has been arrested)," he said.

The suspect MR alias Dani was arrested by the police 2 hours after the murder. Piter said the suspect was a drug user and was addicted.

"He's also been taking sedatives, and hasn't eaten for 2 weeks," he said.

In addition, according to the suspect's confession, he had the heart to stab his sister because of depression and illusions and heard supernatural whispers.

"The perpetrator experienced depression, illusions, and there were (unseen) whispers to kill the life of his sister, Siti Aisyah," he explained.

Currently, police officers are still investigating the motive for the homicide. The perpetrator was detained at the Percut Sei Tuan Police Headquarters.

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