SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked all district/city governments to increase inspections and tracking following a surge in COVID-19 cases in Kudus Regency.

"I ask for more testing and tracing. This is not only for Kudus, it applies to all of Central Java so that we are alert, increase testing, once again increase testing," he said at the Central Java Governor's official residence, Semarang, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 4 .

According to Ganjar, with the increased inspection and tracking, it will be easier to find transmissions from the corona virus, and prevention can be done immediately before it spreads.

Therefore, the district/city government is not afraid of the results of the examination because it is a preventive measure in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The local government does not need to be afraid that the results of increased testing will also have an impact on the increasing number of COVID-19 cases because the sooner it is carried out, the sooner it will be known about the COVID-19 condition in the area," said the PDI-P politician.

In addition, Ganjar Pranowo asked the public to maintain discipline in health protocols, especially using masks and not crowding.

"I still hope and ask, begging the community to provide support, not crowding, wear masks. Masks are the most important thing actually. Then be aware of caring, yes if you (must) keep your distance," he said.

Related to the surge in COVID-19 cases in Kudus Regency, Ganjar also admitted that he had noticed the many stories about the burial of corpses, which were said to be in long lines due to lack of manpower.

"Thank you also from Muhammadiyah for helping, from NU helping, from mass organizations helping. The TNI and Polri helped, so we added human resources to our team," said Ganjar.

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