SURABAYA - The East Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reminded people in eight coastal areas of East Java to remain vigilant. This vigilance follows mitigation from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), related to the worst potential for a 29-meter tsunami disaster in the south coast of East Java.

"Our mapping results show that there are eight areas in East Java that are prone to tsunamis in the high category. They are Jember, Banyuwangi, Lumajang, Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung, Trenggalek, and Pacitan regencies," said Plt Kalaksa BPBD East Java, Yanuar Rachmadi, confirmed, Friday, June 4 .

In addition to the tsunami, Yanuar continued, these eight areas also have the potential to be hit by an earthquake. To anticipate this, Yanuar said that East Java has tools to detect earthquakes scattered on the coast of East Java.

"For example, the Early Warning System (EWS) tool. This technology exists, on the coast, some are owned by the BMKG, some are owned by districts/cities," he said.

Yanuar also made sure the tool was functioning properly. This was proven when an earthquake occurred in Malang and Blitar Regencies, where the EWS immediately sounded as a sign of an earthquake.

However, Yanuar appealed to the public to remain vigilant, and take advantage of their respective local wisdom, to find out potential disasters that will occur. Among them, residents must understand the movements of existing animals.

"This earthquake cannot be predicted when it will occur. However, animals will always show strange behavior when there is a disaster, usually the hidden ones appear. With this anticipation, the community is at least more prepared for disasters," said Yanuar.

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