MEDAN - A man in Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) district was found hanging himself in a goat pen in Lidah Tanah Village, Perbaungan District. The man with the initials ES (43) is suspected of being desperate to end his life because he is in debt.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Perbaungan Police, Iptu M Tambunan, said that his family found ES in the goat barn behind his house. They then contacted the police at 06.05 WIB.

"(ES) committed suicide by tying his neck with a green nylon rope and hanging himself on a goat barn pole behind his house," Tambunan said in his statement, Friday, June 4.

According to Tambunan, when the police arrived at the location, ES's body had already been taken down. Meanwhile, according to the information from the family, ES is suspected of being desperate to end his life due to stress from being in debt.

"Witnesses from the family admitted that the victim was indeed in debt and it was estimated that the victim became depressed. So, it is suspected that the victim committed suicide by hanging himself," explained Tambunan.

Furthermore, the police also examined the victim's body, but found no signs of violence on the victim's body.

"The family (even) object if the body is examined by autopsy which is stated in a statement letter and no autopsy is carried out on the victim's body," he said.

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