SURABAYA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) predicts the increase in COVID-19 cases will peak at the end of June. East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked all regional heads in East Java to anticipate increasing the ICU BOR and COVID-19 Isolation BOR by more than 60 percent.

"The Minister of Health has warned that until the end of June and even July 2021. This prediction is based on empirical experience every long holiday period," said Khofifah, during a virtual Coordination Meeting (Rakor) with Forkopimda districts/cities throughout East Java, Wednesday, 2 June.

Khofifah explained, based on WHO standards, the BOR capacity in each COVID-19 referral hospital is a maximum of 60 percent. However, Khofifah asked the regents/mayors in East Java to prepare anticipation above 60 percent.

"It means that there must be more intensive control because the curative data is like that," he said.

Based on data from the East Java Health Office, only Bojonegoro and Madiun districts have ICU BOR above 80 percent. Meanwhile, 60-79 percent of ICU BOR consists of Madiun City, Blitar City, Kab. Ponorogo, and Kab. Tuban. Then the 60-79 percent Covid-19 isolation BOR, namely Kab. Bangkalan, Madiun City, Kab. Ngawi, Kab. Ponorogo, and Kab. Tulungagung.

"I request that all of us who have been monitoring the daily control of COVID-19 cases continue to identify. What is likely to cause and trigger the spread, or otherwise reduce it, is identified," he said.

During the coordination meeting, Khofifah also asked regional heads throughout East Java to continue to monitor and monitor the development of daily COVID-19 cases in their respective regions. This is important, to anticipate the possibility of an increase in COVID-19 cases due to the Eid holiday. "Therefore, I ask all regional heads to monitor the development of COVID-19 cases every day," he said.

After this Eid holiday, continued Khofifah, there are still many people who do syawalan gatherings by traveling from one place to another. For this reason, a comprehensive control monitoring is needed.

"Never take it lightly if there are cases that are considered sloping, the RT base is 95 percent green. But it is necessary to anticipate that the Syawalan gathering will still take place. They are still in groups doing rounds of friendship," said Khofifah.

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