SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) held a mass vaccination for 1,771 employees or workers of General Entertainment Recreation (RHU). Employees who take part in this vaccination are workers at RHU who have been operating after signing an integrity pact.

The Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara said that vaccination for RHU employees in the City of Heroes had been running since last week. Those who received the vaccine were RHU workers who had been operating and tested negative for COVID-19.

"Alhamdulillah, vaccination has started from a week ago for RHU employees. Of course, for RHUs who have passed the assessment, the health protocol is correct and for employees who are negative (COVID-19)," said Febri, in Surabaya, Wednesday, June 2.

Febri explained, the implementation of mass vaccination for RHU employees is scheduled in each puskesmas in the work area. Based on data from the Surabaya Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar), there are a total of 1,771 RHU employees who receive the vaccine.

"For the amount of data submitted from Disbudpar, about 1,771 RHU employees. Vaccination has been going on since a week ago and is running in stages," he explained.

Separately, Deputy Secretary of the Surabaya City COVID-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling, Irvan Widyanto, again reminded the manager or owner of the RHU to be consistent in implementing health protocols. This is in accordance with the integrity pact that they signed before the RHU started operating.

"Here, we really give trust to the community. Well, our hope, especially here, is for business actors to really accept that trust with a full sense of responsibility," said Irvan.

Therefore, Irvan emphasized that the trust given by the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, through this business relaxation must be properly maintained. Do not let the trust that has been given is then violated by the manager or visitor of RHU.

"There are around 100 RHUs that have signed an integrity pact. Now, when they signed it, and there was a violation, the Mayor asked for an immediate closure," said Irvan.

Therefore, one of the RHU in Surabaya was immediately closed by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 even though it had not even operated for a month. The closure of this RHU was due to a violation of the integrity pact.

"It has been done (closing) one RHU in Surabaya, because it violated the curfew. So we closed with the ranks of the Polrestabes and Satpol PP, we halted activities," he said.

The head of the Surabaya City BPB and Linmas again stated that it was important to stop RHU activities that violated it. This is because this effort is carried out as part of the early prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

"So, the safety of citizens is the highest law. When there is a violation of health protocols, the sanctions will be strict, according to the direction of the Mayor, it will be immediately closed," said Irvan.

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