MUNTOK - The West Bangka Regency COVID-19 Control Task Force, Bangka Belitung Islands found 18 dominant clusters in the transmission of the new type of corona virus in the Muntok or Mentok District area.

"Of the total 2,136 cases found during the COVID-19 pandemic, we found the most in Mentok District, namely 831 cases and have been mapped into 18 large clusters," said Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Control Task Force for West Bangka Regency, M. Putra Kusuma. in Mentok quoted by Antara, Monday, May 31.

Based on the results of the search and tracking carried out so far, the pattern of family clusters or family relationships and office clusters is one of the most widely found distribution clusters.

"A total of 18 large clusters that occurred in Mentok, which are currently more dominant in the family cluster, so that cases that arise from tracing results from cases of family interactions," said Putra.

As for the village or kelurahan with the highest number of cases in the last seven days, namely Sungaidaeng Village with 39 active cases and currently in isolation.

As one of the control measures taken to prevent the case from spreading further, in the past week the COVID-19 Task Force Team has completed on the job training related to tracing patterns to all Babinsa and Babinkamtimbas personnel in villages and sub-districts.

"So in the future the tracing activities will be carried out by the Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas. This strengthening is a new energy in tracing close contacts and it is hoped that they can find suspected COVID-19 cases in the community as early as possible," continued Putra.

He emphasized that contact tracing followed by self-isolation steps for those who have close contacts, pending the results of the examination, is one of the pillars of controlling COVID-19.

"For this reason, it is hoped that all citizens will support and obey the COVID-19 health protocol as a joint effort in controlling the transmission of the virus," he said.

Until now, officers in the field still find obstacles and refusals from close contact cases, for example, residents avoid being examined until someone tries to cover up close contacts.

"We always urge you to obey health protocols even in the smallest environment, namely families, at least use masks properly and correctly," said Putra.

Regarding data on COVID-19 cases in West Bangka Regency, 2,136 cases have been found so far, in May 2021 858 cases or 41.1 percent of the cumulative number were found and in April 827 or 38.7 percent.

"For self-testing in the last 11 days, 2,081 times have been carried out, consisting of 477 PCR tests and 1,604 antigen tests," he explained.

Tests will continue to be carried out massively considering the WHO target is one person per 1,000 population per week in one area so that existing cases can be detected, while the positivity rate must be below five percent.

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