JAKARTA - The Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri said he would evaluate the placement of personnel in vulnerable areas to anticipate attacks that could result in the death of members of the National Police.

According to him, the evaluation is necessary considering that many areas, especially in mountainous areas, are categorized as prone to disturbances to security and social order due to the presence of armed groups.

According to him, there should be at least five to 15 people serving in the vulnerable category posts, but due to limited personnel, this has not been realized.

"Hopefully, with the acceptance of the Noken Police Officer the shortage of personnel can be resolved, although it is not yet comprehensive considering the vast territory of Papua," said Inspector General Fakhiri in Jayapura, reported by Antara, Monday, May 31.

The Papua Police Chief also hopes that the Chief of Police whose territory is in the vulnerable category will also conduct an evaluation and provide reports regarding the difficulties experienced so that as a leader, he can take the right steps.

Meanwhile, on Thursday night, May 28, First Brigadier Mario Sanoi, who served as Head of the Oksamol Sub-Sector Police, was killed by OTK who also fled with three firearms, two of which were SS1 and ammunition.

This is not the first case of attack on Polri personnel in Oksamol, because some time ago it happened in Sinak and Ilaga.

Therefore, he asked the heads of all personnel to wear the body system at all times, especially for those who work in vulnerable areas, said Inspector General Pol Fakhiri.

"We really miss one of the best Papuan sons who since graduating was placed at the Bintang Mountains Police and then at the Oksamol Sub-Sector Police," said Papua Police Chief Inspector General Fakhiri.

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