JAKARTA - Public Relations of the Indonesian Churches Association (PGI) Philip Situmorang said the stigma or labeling of the Taliban and adherents of radicalism was also experienced by Christian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employees who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK).

This was conveyed by seven representatives of non-active KPK employees who had come to the PGI Office on Friday, May 28.

"So there are seven employees, the staff who come here are considered the Taliban and one of them said that this had an impact on their families," Philip told VOI during a visit at his office, Jalan Salemba Raya, Central Jakarta, Monday, May 31.

He regretted giving such negative stigma as a result of the TWK which is a condition for the transfer of employment status. "Don't be so easy to accuse people of this kind of thing," he said.

"Because those who come here are Christians, one of them happens to lead the prayer meeting at the KPK. Don't treat someone like that," added Philip.

He said that this kind of negative stigma could have the effect of putting pressure not only on anti-corruption commission employees who failed in TWK but also on their families. "It can be stressful too," he said.

Reflecting on this incident, PGI will continue to provide socialization to church leaders to remind their congregations that they are not easily swayed by rumors of hoaxes. In addition, church leaders are also asked to be proactive in providing education to the congregation so that it is not easy to give this kind of stigma.

"That is also the role of the church leader. Okay, he learns about God, the Bible. But there is life in the midst of the people that actually needs to be educated," he said.

Furthermore, PGI admitted that this attitude was not due to a practical political move as mentioned by many parties. According to him, the support for 75 KPK employees who were disabled because they did not pass the TWK was a form of support for eradicating corruption in the country.

After all, according to Philip, this is not the first time PGI has spoken about the events that occurred in Indonesia. "We don't care about other things. For example, we also take care of Papua," he said.

"In fact, we also ask the government to resolve cases in Papua. Likewise in Poso," he added.

Thus, providing support for Novel Baswedan, et al is not a form of political movement but a form of concern for justice issues.

"Including corruption. That's why our stance is clear. So we don't do politics, but that's our support as a public institution for issues, especially the KPK," said Philip

Previously reported, General Chairperson of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) Gomar Gultom admitted that his party would write to President Joko Widodo regarding the polemic of 75 KPK employees who did not pass the national insight test (TWK).

"PGI will write to the President to immediately take action to save this anti-corruption agency from these weakening efforts, by rescuing the 75 KPK employees," Gomar said in a statement, Saturday, May 29.

Gultom was surprised that President Joko Widodo had issued a statement asking that TWK not be used as a basis for dismissing KPK employees. However, it turns out that there are 51 KPK employees who do not pass the TWK and will be dismissed.

Gultom viewed that the failure of dozens of KPK employees because they did not pass the TWK was an attempt to weaken them by labeling them as intolerant and radical.

Furthermore, what worries him even more, many of the KPK employees who are declared not to have passed the TWK are people who are currently or have handled major corruption cases.

"With the removal of those who have performed well and have strong integrity on the grounds of not having passed the TWK, it is feared that investigators will rethink their duties in a professional manner in accordance with the KPK code of ethics in the future, because they are afraid that they will be TWKed with radical label," he explained.

From the results of the TWK which became a condition for the transfer of employment status, there were 75 employees who were declared not to have passed. Of these, many investigators are investigating corruption cases in the country.

They include senior investigator Novel Baswedan, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum who is also investigator Yudi Purnomo Harahap, and investigator Harun Al Rasyid. Not only that, there are also other names such as Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign of KPK Giri Suprapdiono and Director of PJKAKI Sujarnarko.

Of this number, the KPK then announced that 51 employees would certainly be fired as of 1 November. The reason is that they cannot be coached anymore because the assessment indicator from the assessment is red.

While 24 of them can still be saved by conducting education to defend the country and national insight first. This coaching activity is mandatory and if they do not pass, they will also have the same fate as 51 other people.

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