JAKARTA - PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri inaugurated 25 new offices for her party in several regions.

The inauguration of party offices at three levels, namely regional management boards, branch management boards, and sub-branch management boards was carried out online and was attended by thousands of party officials.

"By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby inaugurate the party office," Mega said during the online inauguration broadcast on PDI-P's YouTube, Sunday, May 30.

He is grateful to see many party offices being built in the regions. Megawati hopes that, in the future, there will be more party offices, although the buildings are not large.

"The party office doesn't have to be too big, just enough. But what's important is the intention that the party office is our home. Namely the party house and the people's house. Thank God, as general chairman I said there were 25 regions that were inaugurated this time," he said.

Furthermore, the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia also said that party offices needed to be built in various regions. So, the cadres have more enthusiasm to work and be active.

"Imagine without that, how will we meet? Even though I have instructed party meetings to always be conducted in stages," said Mega.

Not only that, he also reminded party officials to follow the party's directions. According to him, PDIP cadres can no longer go forward as individuals but from a political organization whose ideology is Pancasila.

"As long as we work together, once again if we work together, I'm sure it can be achieved (the construction of a new office, ed). Imagine now that we have more than 50 offices, than we previously had nothing," said Mega.

"I want the office so that the cadres are enthusiastic in carrying out their ideology. Because many people's problems have not been resolved until now," he added.

The offices that were inaugurated were three party offices at the level of the Regional Management Board (DPD) alias province, namely the East Kalimantan PDIP DPD office, Central Sulawesi PDIP DPD, and Maluku PDIP DPD.

For offices at the level of the Branch Management Council (DPC) or district / city, there are 16 regions, namely DPC PDIP OKU Timur; Seasoning Land; Land of the Sea; Kapuas; North Barito; Home Knives; Pakistan; South Tangerang City; Sukoharjo; Murung Raya; Bojonegoro; Tasikmalaya City; Metro City; Brebes; South Barito; and North Tapanuli

Meanwhile, the party offices at the sub-district level or PDIP Sub-Branch Management (PAC) are in 6 sub-districts in Sukoharjo, Central Java, namely PAC Sukoharjo; PAC Nguter, PAC Bulu; PAC Weru; PAC Polokarto; and PAC Mojolaban.

In this event, Megawati was present from her residence on Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta. He was accompanied by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto, who was present with the Chair of the DPP who was also Menkumham Yasonna Laoly, and Ahmad Basarah who was also the Deputy Chair of the MPR.

Also present were the Deputy Secretary General who is also the Chair of the PDIP faction in the DPR, Utut Adianto and two DPP Chairs, namely Djarot Saiful Hidayat and Sukur Nababan.

Meanwhile, other PDIP members were present virtually. They are General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey and his deputy, Rudianto Tjen. Also the Chairs of the PDIP DPP such as Prananda Prabowo, Puan Maharani, Ribka Tjiptaning, I Made Urip, Bambang Wuryanto, Hamka Haq, Tri Rismaharini, Sri Rahayu, and Wiryanti Sukamdani. Likewise the other two wasek-general, Sadarestuwati and Arif Wibowo.

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