JAKARTA - Female worker (TKW) from Cibogo Village, Mekargakih Village, Ciranjang District, Cianjur, West Java, Ani Hamdanah has lost contact with her family for 17 years. Ani is known to have left for work in Selangor-Malaysia in 2004.

The family, through DPC Astakira Renewal Cianjur, hopes that the government can help find and return Ani, who left her husband and child who was only eight months old at the time.

"We are still trying to find Ani's whereabouts, by coordinating with relevant agencies and institutions at the center to the Indonesian embassy in Malaysia. We hope to be able to find her as soon as possible and bring her home," said Chairman of Astakira Renewal Cianjur, Ali Hildan in Cianjur as reported by Antara, Sunday, May 30.

He explained that since leaving until now, the family has never received any contact or information regarding Ani's whereabouts after six months of working as a housemaid at a merchant's house in the neighboring country.

Ani's 18-year-old son hopes for good news from his mother. Ani went through a TKI sponsor who never gave any news when her family asked about her whereabouts.

"Currently, my wife is 50 years old, leaving for Malaysia as a household assistant through a TKW departure sponsor in Cianjur. The first six months, Ani is still communicating with her family in Cianjur and announcing that she is fine," said Dede Mulyana ( 53) Ani's husband.

Until now, the family continues to try to find Ani's whereabouts, including repeatedly visiting the sponsors and the company that sent her.

But it didn't come to fruition either. Only the latest information is that Ani lost contact due to running away from her employer and several other reasons.

"I hope the government can help find my wife's whereabouts. How is the current condition, because I feel sorry for my son, I really want to meet his mother," said Dede in tears.

Meanwhile, the Cianjur Manpower and Transmigration Service promised to help as much as possible, to find the whereabouts of the TKW from Cianjur who lost contact with the family, by contacting the relevant institutions at the center to the Indonesian embassy in Malaysia.

"We will try to find the whereabouts of the TKW from Cianjur, coordination with various parties will be carried out so that the whereabouts of the TKW on behalf of Ani Hamdanah are immediately known," said Head of the Manpower Placement Division of the Cianjur Manpower and Transmigration Office, Ricky Ardi.

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