JAKARTA - A passenger ship KM Karya Indah containing 181 passengers caught fire in the waters of Limafatola Island, Sanana, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku on Saturday 29 May at around 07.00 WIT.

The passengers on this ship are 155 adults, 22 children, and 4 elderly people. In addition, KM Karta Indah brought 14 crew members.

Initially, the Ternate Basarnas Search and Rescue Office through the Sar Sanana Alert Unit received information that there had been a shipwreck.

"Head of Pol Air Sanana reported that a passenger ship with the name KM Karya Indah on the Ternate-Sanana route experienced a fire approximately 5 miles northeast of Lifamatola Island," said Head of the Ternate Basarnas, Muhamad Arafah in his statement, Saturday, May 29.

Arafah explained, after receiving information at around 08.50 WIB, the Sanana SAR Alert Unit Rescue Team went to the location to carry out Search and Rescue using RIB 01.

"Estimated time to arrive at the scene of the incident at 10:23 WIT," said Arafah.

The elements of the rescue team involved were the Basarnas Rescue Unit for the Sanana SAR, Pol Air Sanana, KUPP Sanana, and the Bajo Community.

Alutsista and Palsar used are RIB 01 Sanana, Medical Equipment, Evacuation Equipment, Satellite Cellphones, Handy Talky (HT), to COVID-19 PPE.

The latest news, Head of KSOP Class II Ternate Affan Tabona said that all passengers had been evacuated safely.

"Currently, the evacuation process of 14 crew members and 181 ship passengers has been completed and all are in safe condition," said Alfian through a separate statement.

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