JAKARTA - Police have arrested two experienced thieves with an ATM block mode. They were arrested after breaking into hundreds of millions of cash from an ATM.

"The total losses from the perpetrators' actions amounted to Rp108 million. They used the ATM block mode," said Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Friday, May 28.

The two suspects are A alias Kopral and SH alias L. They are an old group who committed crimes with ATM block mode.

In fact, the suspect Kopral is a recidivist. He was in a detention cell in 2015.

"These are old players, one of whom is the suspect's initials A alias K, who is usually called Kopral," said Yusri.

"Then the other one with the initials SH alias L is usually the one who commits this crime together," he continued.

The arrest of the two veteran criminals was carried out after the ATM block case was reported on March 5. They stole money in the victim's BRI ATM after carrying out the action in the Bojong Gede area, Bogor Regency, West Java.

"The modus operandi is to prop the ATM with a toothpick after it is blocked by a tool, then the victim inserting the ATM cannot get out the block, then there is one perpetrator standing behind him who memorizes the victim's pin," said Yusri.

With their arrest, in this case the investigator suspects Article 363 of the Criminal Code or Article 3, Article 4, Article 5 of the 2010 Law on the Crime of Money Laundering with the threat of 20 years in prison.

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