JAKARTA - Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana admitted that he was ready if the former Director of the Corruption Eradication Commission's (PJKAKI) Inter-Agency Network Development Sujanarko submitted a summons.

This was conveyed in response to Sujanarko's intention to send a summons regarding the results of the Insight Test Assessment (TWK) which failed to pass 75 KPK employees.

"Order the rights of every citizen. Yes, go ahead, BKN is ready," Bima said when contacted by VOI, Friday, May 28.

He refused to talk much about the accusations made by Sujanarko. However, what is certain is that BKN is a state institution if the summons is properly sent.

"Please just subpoena. BKN as a state institution is ready," he said.

"I don't want to polemic in the media," added Bima.

As previously reported, Sujanarko intended to file a summons. The reason is, he considers TWK to be a very bad measuring tool and has successfully labeled dozens of people including himself.

By sending the summons, Sujanarko hoped to be able to answer his statement and provide evidence and facts if the dozens of people who did not pass the test deserved a red mark.

"What is the evidence? (Are, ed) I joined a banned organization, I am the Taliban? Prove it," he said.

Sujanarko also explained his reason for calling TWK which is a condition for transferring employment status is a bad measure. The reason is that the test only uses three methods: writing, essays, and interviews.

In fact, in this psychometric test, there are a number of methods that must be met, starting from written tests, essays, roleplay, to FGDs and presentations. Even though the six methods have been fulfilled, the maximum validity level of this kind of test is only 65 percent.

Therefore, he asked Haria Bima as the Head of BKN to be responsible for the test. Especially with regard to the labeling of the statement previously conveyed.

"Please prove it, not only with these three unclear types of tests. I differentiate between 24 and 51. It's not important. But I think Haria Bima must be responsible for the test questions," he said.

"Tell Haria Bima. Looks like we have to have an open war, so that he doesn't keep hiding. He's not that professional," added Sujanarko.

At a press conference Tuesday, May 25, KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata said that the assessors' assessment of the 51 employees was red and impossible to be coached.

"Of the 51 people, this is coming back from the assessor, this is the color he said, it was red and yes, it was not possible to do coaching," he said.

However, Alexander did not explain in more detail about the benchmarks for the assessment and the reasons why the KPK employee could not be coached.

Meanwhile, the Head of BKN Bima Haria Wibisana explained three aspects related to the assessment of the TWK assessment. The three aspects are personal aspects, influence, and PUPN (Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, and legitimate government.

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