JAKARTA - The recent crimes and violence are based on certain motives. Not infrequently, trivial things become a reason for someone to commit a crime and even injure or kill those around them.

Like the murder case committed by DM (48) alias Dedi who was determined to kill his neighbor with a knife. The incident took place in Kemiling Subdistrict, Lampung on Sunday, May 3, 2020. The reason the middle-aged man killed was because of a disagreement between the victims who looked at him cynically.

This is not the first time a motive for a crime for trivial reasons. According to a criminal law observer from Al Azhar University, Suparji Ahmad, this kind of case occurs because of the loss of rationality and disturbed mindset of the perpetrator.

"The main factors are the low morality in question and a shallow mindset. So that they cannot find the right solution in facing problems," Suparji told VOI, Monday, May 4.

Not to mention the driving factor from the surrounding environment, whether differences in understanding or disagreement in a husband-wife relationship can trigger someone's violent action. It is likely that the perpetrators are generally looking for the quickest way to vent the problem.

Especially if he is in a less harmonious society. "The formation of a person's character, an attitude to imitate what is seen or heard is precisely the negative things," said Suparji.

In addition, the Criminologist of the University of Indonesia, Adrianus Meliala, said that in murder cases, most of the perpetrators always go through the criminal phase. This means that they were previously involved in minor criminal offenses to the point that they eventually committed major crimes.

However, it does not mean that the perpetrator of the crime cannot immediately move up to the major criminal phase. For various reasons, this can happen immediately.

"This means that even a person who has never done anything bad can just skip class committing a murder. Generally, the cause is trivial," said Adrianus.

For your information, the crime of murder is regulated in Article 338 of the Criminal Code, which states that anyone who deliberately seizes the life of another person is threatened with murder with a maximum imprisonment of fifteen years.

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