JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party, Zulkifli Hasan, canceled his meeting with PDI-P politician who currently serves as the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

"(Should) want to meet with the governor, everything is okay, whether because yesterday was 'busy', we don't know or because of other reasons. The reason for Mr. Gub, Mas Ganjar today was called by Pak Jokowi to Jakarta, I was told yesterday," said Zulkifli Hasan. when delivering directions to cadres and administrators of PAN at the DPW PAN office in Central Java, Semarang, reported by Antara, Thursday, May 27.

Zulhas, the nickname of the General Chair of PAN, explained that his purpose for meeting Ganjar Pranowo was to introduce the new DPW PAN Central Java management.

However, he understands that if there is a call from the President or the Ministry, the agenda of the regional head concerned can be canceled.

"Yes, the protocol is like that," he said.

When met after the main event in the form of the submission of 18 new DPD PAN management decisions, Zulhas, the nickname of Zulkifli Hasan, confirmed his plan to meet with Ganjar Pranowo at the inauguration of the upcoming DPW PAN administrators in Central Java.

"Later (to meet Ganjar Pranowo, red) at the inauguration," he said as he walked toward the car.

When asked about whether PAN intends to support or promote Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election, Zulhas did not answer and instead explained about the desire to introduce the new DPW PAN Central Java board.

"Later when we are inaugurated we want to introduce the board," he said.

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