JAKARTA - The death rate due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has begun to decline, is the reason Spain has chosen the option of easing its regional closure or lockdown policy. As a result, Spaniards who for more than a month kept the virus from spreading from Wuhan by staying at home, finally began to enjoy outdoor activities again.

As a result, Spanish citizens began to fill up again the roads, hills and beaches that were scattered all over Spain. Reporting by Reuters, one of those who took advantage of the momentum of easing the lockdown was a surfer named Sigrid Cervera.

The 44-year-old was seen screaming with joy as he began to pull off the surfboard in Gava on the second day of the easing Sunday, May 3. "I haven't been able to surf for long, so I'm really excited this morning," he said.

Not only that. An elderly person in Madrid, Maria Jesus has also begun to enjoy easing lockdowns by enjoying the city center. "Finally we can breathe. In the past, at home, all you could do was open a window, and you opened it every day. But that's not the same as being outside the room."

The Spanish government has taken the option to ease the lockdown because the death rate has started to decline in recent times. For this reason, the government completely canceled the appeal to be at home since Saturday by allowing children to adults to return to outdoor sports.

More specifically, activities that are starting to be allowed again include walks and outdoor sports. However, these activities are only limited to 6-10am and 8-11pm. Children with parental supervision have time to do activities in the afternoon, and seniors can choose between enjoying outdoor activities, both in the morning and in the evening.

Stay alert

Even so, Spanish Environment Minister Teresa Ribera has urged citizens to remain cautious during the easing of the lockdown, at least until October. On that basis, Spanish citizens are required to comply with orders to maintain a distance or physical distancing, which requires people to be separated by two meters while outside the room.

Not only that, the authorities also said that the easing option was one of the first steps in the four phases of the Spanish plan, in order to re-start the economic cycle in the country.

In the next stage, the government will continue the easing phase by preparing to reopen open areas, such as bars and restaurants. Then, the policy will be continued by allowing the community to carry out meeting agendas for up to ten people, either at home or in public places.

So far Spain has confirmed 217,466 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 25,264 cases died.

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